

Gateway to

the Cosmos

onstructing the Next Generation of Marketplace

IWelcome To

Orbital Locker

Redefining the Boundaries of Space

In a fiercely competitive industry with soaring entry costs, we envisioned a simpler path forward. At The Orbital Locker, we’ve pioneered a game-changing solution.

Our modular design approach is the cornerstone of our vision—scalable, adaptable, and ready to redefine the possibilities of space.

A New Era Unfolds

We might not have a long history, but we’re here to create one. Our mission is simple…

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Space Made Simple

At the Orbital Locker, we believe that space should be within reach for every business…

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A Shared Vision

We live by the motto, “If you build it, they will come.” Our team, our technology…

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Dare to Dream, Dare to Invest

Imagine standing at the threshold of a brand-new frontier, one that stretches far beyond the boundaries of our earthly existence. It’s a realm where the possibilities are as limitless as the stars themselves.


In a fiercely competitive industry with soaring entry costs, we envisioned a simpler path forward. At The Orbital Locker, we’ve pioneered a game-changing solution.

Our modular design approach is the cornerstone of our vision—scalable, adaptable, and ready to redefine the possibilities of space.

Case Studies

Journey to the Stars


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Orbital Locker?

The Orbital Locker is a first-of-its-kind industrial platform facility in space, designed for safe and efficient storage, manufacturing, and logistics operations.

How do I send my items to the Orbital Locker?

You can utilize our dedicated elevator systems that transport goods from Earth’s upper atmosphere directly to the locker via Space plane. We also partner with certified space cargo carriers for larger shipments.

Is my storage secure?

Yes, each locker module is built using our patented ORBlocks, designed for maximum security and structural integrity in space conditions.

How can my company become a licensee?

We have a thorough selection process that starts with submitting your application through our portal. Post that, our team will review your qualifications and discuss terms.

our event

British Interplanetary Society’s 20TH reinventing space conference.

I had the honor of being invited to speak at the prestigious 20th Reinventing Space Conference hosted by the British Interplanetary Society. It was a unique opportunity to share my insights and vision for the future of space construction with leading minds in the field. Engaging in dialogue and forging connections with industry experts and visionaries was an inspiring experience, further fueling my commitment to pushing the boundaries of space exploration and sustainable construction.

As of 2022, the global satellite industry was valued at over $360 billion. The satellite industry, which includes satellite services, manufacturing, and launch services, is a significant component of the space economy.

The space tourism market, though nascent, is poised to grow exponentially. By 2028, some estimates projected it could be worth over $3 billion.

The broader space economy, which includes satellite internet, space tourism, asteroid mining, and more, is projected to grow to over $1 trillion by 2040.

Our Projetcs

Tendril Mechanism

Composed of lightweight, durable materials such as carbon-fibre or Kevlar, ensuring both strength and flexibility.
